Saturday, September 8, 2012

Glasser Tech Gives Back Referral Program

We have been thinking about a way to give something back.  Not just with regard to our business but with regard to society.   We have come up with a great idea and hope to get you involved. 

It's our new Client Referral Program!Shaking hands

Here's how it works:
  • If you know someone that would benefit from our services, we would ask that you give them our name and number and have them give us a call. 
  • If they sign on with us as a client, we will give you 10% off your next consulting bill and make a $100 dollar donation to your favorite charity, in your name. 
It's a win-win situation overall.  We get something, you get something and then we pay it forward to someone else.

There's no limit to the number of referrals you may submit. 

Michael Glasser, Glasser Tech LLC (516) 762-0155

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