Wednesday, March 30, 2011

IDC Crystal Ball Smartphone Prediction

IDC Worldwide Smartphone OS Market Share 2015
IDC on Tuesday revealed their predictions for  the “worldwide” Smartphone market in 2015.  One thing true today that will be the same in 2015 is that the Android will be the clear winner. 
In less than three years the Android has gone from non-existent to top of the sales charts.  The Apple iPhone had almost an 18 months head-start on the Android Smartphone.  While the Windows Smartphone Operating System (O/S) was first developed more than 10 years ago they have garnered very little attention in the marketplace.  The BlackBerry was the clear winner for a long-time, but has failed to innovate substantially, (to date) recently.  Although BlackBerry still has and will have loyal fans for a long time.
You might be saying to yourself:  “How will the Windows Smartphone O/S be second in sales, ahead of the Apple iPhone Smartphone by 2015”?  The reason is this:  Nokia, the worlds largest cell phone maker made a deal with Microsoft to exclusively utilize the Windows Smartphone O/S in all its Smartphones.  Nokia, a longtime proponent of their Symbian platform will put all of their future resources into Windows Smartphone devices.  Note that this is for Worldwide Sales and not just the United States. Sales locally will most likely be far lower than those of other countries. This partnership between Nokia and Microsoft should push Microsoft to be more innovative than they have been in the past with their Smartphone O/S. 

It will be interesting to look back in four years to see where the market stands.  Right now the Android O/S appears to be the big winner.  Apple needs to develop a lower-end device to be competitive so, don’t count them out as well.  Let’s see if Research in Motion (RIM - BlackBerry) and  Microsoft can make any major inroads against them.

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