Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Patch Tuesday takes care of key XML and IE 9 issues


July 11, 2012


Yesterday was Patch Tuesday and this time Microsoft released 9 bulletins addressing 16 vulnerabilities. 

The most critical patch is a fix for an XML vulnerability that has been used for the past month and is now being integrated.  There are four version of XML and only one is being attacked at this point.  However, this is an important patch to install.

The second most critical bulletin is for Internet Explorer 9, addressing two critical problems that could enable code to be executed on your computer when accessing a malicious webpage, allowing  the device to be remote controlled.

The third critical bulletin is for the Windows MDAC component.  It is used for database access.


Additional bulletins are important but not deemed critical like the above.  It is important to make sure your computer is up to date.   Make sure your Windows updates get installed regularly if not automatically.    To see the latest Microsoft Security Bulletins Click Here .