Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April Critical Updates from MIcrosoft, Adobe Flash and Oracle Java

For April Microsoft has released eleven security bulletins.  The four below are critical.  In addition see the Adobe Flash Player and Oracle Java Critical updates below.  

Microsoft Critical Patches 

Critical Patch #1 is MS115-033 which fixed a vulnerability in Office especially Word 2010.  It usually happens with an attacker gets you to open a Word DOCX file.  This file may be crafted to look like any other Word DOCX file but when opened could allow for remote code execution and run a program on your machine.
Critical Patch #2 is MS15-034 is to fix a vulnerability in HTTP.  This critical fix for all supported editions of Windows 7, Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows .1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 is to fix a potentially catastrophic fix for remote code execution.

Critical Patch #3 is a fix a security hole in Internet Explorer versions 6-11.  MS15-032

Critical Patch #4  is MS15-035 takes care of a flaw in Microsoft graphics component, files that are Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) can be exploited if an attacker gets you to open a file, website or brows to a specific EMF image file.

Adobe Flash Player has a critical fix.  APS15-06

Java - Oracle’s “critical patch update” plugs 15 security holes. If you have Java installed, please update it as soon as possible. Visit and click the “Do I have Java?” link on the homepage. Updates also should be available via the Java Control Panel or from the Java website. 

As always, it is important to keep your computer up to date to avoid exploits such as those mentioned as well for optimal performance.  

Clients with our Proactive Solution to Patch Management Automatically get the Updates.  

Contact us to find out how you can become "Proactive" instead of "Reactive".

Michael Glasser, Glasser Tech LLC (516) 762-0155